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Hawaii has filed HR 88 and HR 108 as applications for a Convention of States to amend the US constitution. The language of the Resolutions hit ALL THREE major issues. There is a link to submit testimony for constituents on the legislation page for the Hawaiian State Legislature that should be used by every constituent to voice support the COS. These resolutions have been referred to the Judiciary & Hawaiian Affairs and Finance Committees on 3/15/2021. You can track current progress by CLICKING HERE
Illinois has proposed House Joint Resolution 0032 (HR32). It is expressly written in the bill that the delegate from Illinois will not have authority to vote imposed term limits for the congress. Click below to find out more and locate your Representatives to let them know you support The Convention of States. The Full Text can be read by CLICKING HERE
UPDATE 7/2/2021: Just filed with 35 Co-Sponsors& Bipartisan Support!
SJR 8 (CLICK HERE FOR ACTUAL RESOLUTION TEXT) is last step in getting Iowa to join the movement and call for a convention of states! Apparently it is a RINO Senator Bill Dix of Shell Rock, IA. The COS action website has a laundry list of people that you can contact to apply pressure to Senator Dix. Click here to go directly to that page. You can call his office directly at (319) 885-6790
UPDATE 2/3/2022: Iowa passes through Committee after hearing presentations from citizens. You can watch that Zoom call by CLICKING HERE.
UPDATE: 2/24/2023: COS Resolutions have assed both the House and Senate Sub Committees and also passed the House full committee by a vote of 12-11! You can read SJR 6 by CLICKING HERE.
Kansas, on May 5th, 2021, Sent proposed legislation SCR 1611 to committee which essentially delays the passing or can possibly kill the legislation. Senator Senator Robert Olsen & Richard Hilderbrand, both Republicans, lead the effort to send it to committee which means it likely won't be heard again until January 2022. The House and Senate reconvene on January 10th, 2022 The Legislation does uphold ALL THREE major issues in accordance with the majority of states that have already passed similar resolutions You can read the full text of SCR 1611 by CLICKING HERE.
UPDATE 7/2/2021: Passed Senate Committee on Federal & State Affairs 7-2
UPDATE : 2/18/2022: The resolution passes onto the full Kansas House for debate. The resolution passed by a vote of 14-8. You can watch that debate by CLICKING HERE.
UPDATE 3/11/2022: Resolution does not meet the required super majority to pass. It did meet a majority but the 2/3 required in Kansas. The resolution will likely be taken up again next year. This election cycle is a big one. To the people of Kansas, Let's get more legislators in that are favorable to COS! We ARE SO CLOSE!
Update: 2/24/2023: HCR5005 can be read by CLICKING HERE. It has just passed the House Committee and is being sent on to the full House for a vote!
In Maine the Democrats in the legislature along with three Republicans succeeded in getting through a "Majority ought not pass report" which essentially puts HJR 467 on hold. It would require a 2/3 vote to bring it back to the floor. That's where YOU come in! For what its worth, the legislation does include ALL THREE major issues. See details on the bill including text by CLICKING HERE.
The first reading was 2/8/2021 for HJ 6. This bill is still active and on the table. As written, it does support ALL THREE major issues. A zoom call was held with witnesses that spoke in favor of the resolution. You can read the text of HJ ^ by CLICKING HERE
UPDATE: 3/6/2022: On March 3, Maryland heard the arguments from grass roots citizens in committee. You can watch the video of it by CLICKING HERE.
1/19/2024 Resolution H3541 was presented to committee in Massachussets. You can view the resolution by CLICKING HERE.
Michigan still has House Joint Resolution E. The text of JRE is such that it does support ALL THREE major Issues. You can find the full text of the Resolution by CLICKING HERE. The bills progress can also be tracked at that link.
UPDATE 9/17/2021: Rep Matt Hall has introduced the resolution, with an impressive list of 25 co-sponsors!
Minnesota is entertaining , in their House of Representatives, HF 915. This would call for a convention of States to amend the U.S Constitution with respect to imposing term limits on the federal House of Representatives and the Federal Senate. There is nothing in the text of the legislation that addresses government overreach or a balanced budget amendment. You can read the text of HF 915 by CLICKING HERE
Update 7/2/2021: Just filed in House and Senate with 15 Co-Sponsors.
Montana proposed Senate Joint Resolution 2 . The second reading narrowly failed on a 24-26 vote on 2/10/2021. On the same day the vote to indefinitely suspend the resolution passed 31-19 . The resolution does hit on ALL THREE major issues. You can read the full text of the legislation by CLICKING HERE.
1/22/2023: The legislative season is open and everyone in Montana should be activated and reaching out to their state legislators to get SJ 2 Passed.
1/24/2022: Montana is the FIRST WIN OF THE YEAR as SJ 2 has PASSED Committee. Some things are worth the wait! Let's go Montana!
1/31/2023: Montana PASSES SJ 2 by a vote of 26-24 in the Senate! It now goes to the House for debate before the resolution is officially passed. LET'S GO MONTANA!!
Uodate 2/2023: Montanamade it passed 2 readings before ending the third reading in a tie of 25-25 as one legislator was scared off at the last minute by a text blast sent out by the George Soros funded organization Common Cause that was designed to stoke fear in constituents. We are close in Montana but the resolution will likely have to wait until next year. If you live in Montana now is the time to get active with the grass roots there and get as many people as you can to reach out to legislators and apply the pressure. Even though it was a loss there are clearly more legislators that are doing the reading and educating themselves into support for the resolution.
New Jersey introduced SCR 143 on March 9th 2021 which calls for a Convention of States and does address TWO OF THREE major issues. They left out the government overreach amendment and replaced it wit reforming the electoral college. They are the only state to authorize discussion on an amendment to change the electoral college process. Citizens of New Jersey NEED TO CONTACT THE BILL"S SPONSERS TO GET THAT CORRECTED! They are Senator Michael Testa and Senator Robert Singer. It was introduced in the Senate, Referred to Senate State Government, Wagering, Tourism & Historic Preservation Committee (why they are handling this we have no idea) on March 9th and no action appears to have been taken since. You can read the full text and track progress on SCR 143 by CLICKING HERE
UPDATE 3/4/2022: New Jersey now has resolution number ACR 70which INCLUDES ALL 3 Amendment topics! GREAT NEWS! You can read the resolution BY CLICKING HERE! We are looking for a vote this year on ACR 70 so get out there and be heard!
Update 3/3/2022: We are waiting for NY to actually assign a resolution name to the current resolution for the calling of a convention of states. They have one drawn up that includes all three amendment topics so it should just be a matter of time.
Click below to find out details and get links to the actual resolution text as well as other links to identify your representatives, get their contact information and ways to let them know that your vote is dependent on their support for the states taking back power! UPDATE 7/2/2021: Just Filed the resolution again. Both Chambers in NH flipped from Democrat to Republican control in 2020. You can read the resolution NH HCR 1 by CLICKING HERE
Update 2/24/2023: New Hampshire passed committee but failed to pass the house by a vote of 157-192. It seems like there is more reading and education required by the NH legislators. NH is a tough one because there are some 400 members in the house. That is a lot of people to educate. The grassroots in NH are more dedicated than ever though and if you are in NH they can definitley use your support! Sign the petition and get active NOW!
House Joint Resolution H.J.R 233 PASSED in May 2021! We are now waiting for the Senate in North Carolina to do it's job! To the people of North Carolina, LET's DO THIS!
Ohio State Rep Riordin McClain announced the introduction of a call for convention of states resolution as seen in a Highland County Press article from May 29th. We are awaiting a name for the resolution but the letter from his office in the article suggests that it will hit all 3 major issues.. To read the article CLICK HERE
UPDATE 7/2/2021: Held a huge rally at the State House and has filed the resolution with 2 primary and 15 co-sponsors.
UPDATE 9/17/2021: Currently pending a hearing in the House Committee on State & Local Government. Click here to read Senate Joint Resolution 2
UPDATE: 3/10/22: Resolution has been re-introduced as SJR 4 and is ready to go to committee! Let's go OHIO! You can read SJR 4 by CLICKING HERE
Find your Representatives and make yourself heard! CLICK BELOW TO SEARCH FOR YOUR REPRESENTATIVE! Reach out to them on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, email, phone etc. They need to hear from you! The resolution name is SR 152. Y9ou can read it by clicking here!
UPDATE: As of 7/2/2021 Pennsylvania has filed with 20 sponsors and bipartisan support!
Update : November 30, 2021: Mark Meckler, President of Convention of States Action, dismantled the "runaway convention" argument during a committee roundtable as they heard the debate between Meckler and a gun rights group that has been holding up the vote for years due to an irrational fear that somehow the convention would overturn the second amendment. You can watch Mark Meckler teach history class by CLICKING HERE. Needless to say the meeting went well and we are looking good in PA. Keep the pressure on and make sure you sign the petition!
UPDATE: We anticipate the PA Senate to schedule a floor vote on SR 152 on or about May 23rd. That gives us less than 6-weeks to put as much pressure on our Senators as possible
UPDATE 2/12/2022: The resolution was essentially killed by two RINO senators in North Dakota. You can get their direct contact information by clicking on the RINO'S names which are Lee Shoenbeck & David Johnson. The Resolution name is SD HJR 1. You can read it here.
Vermont has introduced and name J.R.H 3 which applies for a Convention of States to amend the U.S Constitution on ALL THREE major issues. It was read for the first time on 2/5/2021 and referred to the Committee of Government Operations. No action has been taken on it since that time. You can read the full text of the bill by CLICKING HERE
House Joint Resolution 516 stalled last year in Virginia. However, we all know what happened last November! With republicans taking the House we now have a solid chance of getting it through! The Senate there saw what happened in the House so the threat is real if they do not act!
UPDATE: 1/31/2023 HJ 457 is heard by the House Committee.
Update 2/24/2023: The resolution has PASSED the committee and will go on to the full house!
Find your Representatives and make yourself heard! CLICK BELOW TO SEARCH FOR YOUR REPRESENTATIVE! Reach out to them on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, email, phone etc. They need to hear from you! SJM 8000 - 2021-22 was pre filed for introduction on December 15, 2021. It is awaiting a committee vote to move on to the house and senate. You can read the resolution by Clicking Here.
In Wyoming HJ12 was received for introduction to the House on March 4th, 2021.
On March 8th it was not considered for introduction meaning the legislature is stalling and while they don't want to kill it, they are afraid to hear it.l That's where YOU come in! Find your legislator and make yourself heard! HJ12 states that it is calling for the Convention of States to hit ALL three Major Issues! Read the full text and track the progress by CLICKING HERE
UPDATE 7/2/2021: Passed out of the Senate Committee on Minerals, Business & Economic Development 3-2.
Update: 2/24/2023: Wyoming has a shot at becoming STATE number 20! They have passed the the Senate and passed the house committee! They will be voting Shortly in the senate and if it passes, Wyoming will be state number 20!
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